My ‘Secret to Sensitivity’ programme supports highly sensitive children, and those on the autism spectrum, to enjoy greater mental and emotional wellbeing, and experience environments where they can thrive.

I provide practitioner training online to help you:

* Discover ‘natural’ ways to help your highly sensitive clients regulate their emotions, and maintain greater mental and emotional balance.

* Begin to create environments that feel safe and calm, and truly serve their needs.

* Learn practices to gain greater confidence and clarity in your role, and effectively support each parent/carer/teacher.

* Receive dedicated support to establish your practice.

Gabrielle Anya Rafello, Koorana Wellbeing

“Your approach to helping sensitives is unique; a true blessing that is absent from our everyday world.  I look forward to watching with wonder as you weave your own special alchemy around us all over the coming years. Thank you from the depths of my heart for your kindness, guidance, teachings and compassion.”

Case Study: Samantha’s experience of working with Gabrielle.

“My son Kenny was struggling with emotional disregulation and experiencing intense outbursts of anger towards his family and friends. Kenny was quite physically aggressive especially with his brother and a few friends at nursery. The dynamics at home became challenging and the energies as a family unit felt stuck and strained. Kenny wasn’t sleeping well, and he would wake with night terrors most nights and be inconsolable.

Gabrielle worked on Kenny, and everything that Gabrielle found within Kenny’s energy was very accurate, it brought a lot of clarity to what we had been experiencing as a family and what Kenny was energetically holding and clearing. This was incredibly healing, as parents we were able to support Kenny deeper as we had the awareness of what was occurring.

The day that Kenny received the healing he was very attached to me and wanted lots of cuddles. He slept well that evening and woke up very calm. His whole being felt very different, more grounded, and centred. I took him to nursery that day but on arrival he became very upset and didn’t want to be away from me. I honoured his feelings and took him home. Kenny asked to go to the garden centre to look at the plants, so he must have felt he needed to be around nature. He smelt and touched various plants whilst we were there. When we arrived home Kenny asked if we could clean his room and move some things around. I interpreted that as his way of clearing the energy in his room to align to the shifts.

Kenny didn’t eat much but drank lots of fluids and was very cuddly and didn’t want to be alone. He kept saying he missed his family and would cry (his dad was at work and brother at school). He slept for most of the afternoon. Kenny developed a temperature that evening, and the temperature fluctuated for around 48 hours. He was off his usual foods but asked for lots of fruit and fluids.

A few months have passed, and Kenny is no longer experiencing night terrors, he still struggles to fall asleep, but he doesn’t seem to need much rest anyway. He is no longer aggressive and his social interactions are always pleasant now. Kenny has experienced a significant number of shifts over the last few months, and he feels more balanced and a feeling of safety within himself. As a family, the dynamics have improved, and we are all enjoying each other’s company. The biggest shift is between him and his brother. They now play together, laugh, and enjoy being around one another which is something that they never experienced much before. They would trigger intense responses in one another daily and it was challenging to navigate through that. Everything at home feels lighter and we have individually experienced changes since Kenny received the help Gabrielle provided. Thank you so much Gabrielle ❤️ I highly recommend your offerings 🙏.” Samantha, mother to Kenny aged 5, recently diagnosed with autism, UK.

Copyright Gabrielle Anya Rafello 2024